4th of July Pet Safety TIPS

More dogs go missing on July 4 than any other day of the year. The reason is loud and clear they HATE fireworks and more than 7 million pet owners will seek tranquilizers or other help from veterinarians for their traumatized dogs.

By following these simple TOP FIVE TIPS to insure your 4th of July and your pets will love you for it.

An up-to-date tag greatly increases the chance of a lost pet being returned make sure that your pet always wears identification

Never leave pets or children in cars unattended. On a sunny day, the temperature inside a car can skyrocket to 140 degrees in 30 minutes

Make the grill off limits so keep an eye on pets during parties and BBQs as scraps can make them sick and make sure to have fresh clean water easily accessible for them.

Do not bring your dog to the Fireworks displays they can be disorienting and frightening to pets.

Leave your pet at home and secure the party perimeter by keeping doors closed so there’s no escape route. If possible, close all the windows, too, and cover them so your pet is insulated thus creating a home sanctuary. You can play soothing music or turn on the television to help muffle loud noises. Never leave pets outside and unattended.