Three Angels Find Forever Homes!

Congratulations to Lynn’s home visit family, The Kent’s, and to Beau for finding his forever home! Beau was so sad in his other home that his anxiety made him chase and bite his tail non-stop to the point that it couldn’t be fixed.  Part of it had to be removed but even with half a tail, the Kent’s knew he was the boy for them.  Thanks Lynn!


A double congratulations to Christy M’s home visit family the Truax’s for adopting not one, but two perfect forever companions!!  Buddy and Bella were thankfully adopted together!!  More hair and less weight and these two will be even better than new!
Thanks Christy!!

I’m almost afraid to say it but….. Congratulations to Howie who hopefully has found his real forever home this time with Janna’s home visit family Sue Bruckner!!!  Thank you so much Janna for getting Sue ready to meet this special boy who has had such bad luck …until now! Yea Howie!!!!