
In 2016 we adopted this skinny, nervous boy. He came house trained, but we knew he had spent his whole life outside before he came to us.
He wanted desperately to just be loved and get attention. We were determined to fight for him and do our best to give him a true forever home. He knew he loved kids, but none more than his boy.

In November, we learned that Beau had Melanoma and made the immensely difficult decision to transition to palliative care. We planned to keep him comfortable so long as he had a good quality of life. We were able to love our Beau for another month.

December 22, 2020 we took Beau for one last car ride and the entire family stayed right by his side until the end. The grief was terrible, but the relief we all felt that our Beau wasn’t in pain was the thing that made all of this worth it.

We are forever grateful that Beau found his way to us. I like to think that his loving time with us made up for any unkindness he experienced in his early years. Rest easy, Beau. See you at the Rainbow Bridge!
The Fong Family

