5 Reasons to Reconsider Purchasing Pet Food from China

Cher Murphy GroundReport | Author: Cher Murphy
Filed Under: Lifestyle, Pets | Posted: 09/17/2013 at 4:36PM
0 Comments | Region: New York | United States

Courtesy of Hound & Gatos Pet Food Corporation

Courtesy of Hound & Gatos Pet Food Corporation

Over the last decade or so, an influx of companies have been turning to places like China for the manufacture of their products. Even with the additional expense of shipping the products overseas to America, along with any additional import tariffs, it still increases their profit. Many people may not realize that a lot of pet food today is coming from China. In fact, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), China is the leading pet-food exporter to the U.S., supplying around half of all pet foods imported.
“Consumers want what is best for their pet, and they assume the food is safe and has been made here in this country,” explains Will Post, president of Hound & Gatos Pet Food Corporation. “What they don’t realize is that it often is not and, as such, it can pose health risks to their pets.”
Those with pets are no longer surprised by all the pet food recalls taking place. There have even been lawsuits waged as people try to hold stores and manufacturers accountable for imported food that has harmed their pets. There are numerous reasons to consider making sure that the pet food you use was made here in America, including:

  • Getting a product that is safer and reduces the possible health risks.
  • Companies in America are governed and held more accountable than those in China. There is no way to know what standards were followed to produce pet food that was made in China, yet those processes can have a major impact on the food quality. It’s estimated that the USDA only inspects 1-2 percent of all pet foods that are imported. When they are tested, it is rare for them to be tested for things like heavy metals, pesticides, and toxins.
  • The pet food imported from China is often filled with pesticides, dyes, and filler ingredients that can be harmful to a pet’s health.

“Most people don’t think about their pet food’s ingredients, or the safety of it, until there is a problem,” added Post. “By then, it could be too late. It’s crucial to make sure pets are eating healthy, quality food that was made right here in the good old USA.”
When reading labels, it is important to avoid such ingredients as soy, generic animal livers, wheat, corn, and coloring agents, to name a few. Also, research to see where the pet food was made. Avoiding harmful ingredients can help pets to live a healthier life, reduce allergies and sensitivities, maintain proper weight, avoid urinary tract problems and diabetes, and help to prevent dental problems.
Cats and dogs thrive on a pure meat-based diet, such as the product line offered by Hound & Gatos Pet Food Corporation. Their product line is 100 percent animal protein, meat-based, and avoid ingredients that pets should not have, including by-products, fillers, and plant protein and offer DNA testing. The pet food is sold around the U.S. through distributors such as Lonestar Pet Supply and Summit Pet Products etc. and in 160 stores across Canada. Their product line includes such flavors as salmon, rabbit, beef, lamb, and trout. They also will be offering exotic flavors, such as kangaroo, deer, and duck in the near future. To learn more about Hound & Gatos, including where to buy products, visit their site at: www.houndgatos.com.