Bunny Rescue Comment and Update

Response from blog reader about the the big bunny rescue…just so nice!

Hello Jen….

Wow!  What a story!!! Your rescue of those baby rabbits puts you and your cohorts squarely in the Hero category.  My wife, Diane, and I enthusiastically applaud your tireless efforts and your immense compassion.  If there were more people like you in the world, we’d have a far happier place. 

We especially loved the pictures of the bunnies with the Golden Retrievers.  We love Golden Retrievers and have given modest donations in the past and actively support the Reunion BBQ.  We’d like to give a donation to help defray the cost you’re incurring in the rescue of the bunnies.  How to go about it?  Can we give the donation on the GRRSN site and indicate the money is for the bunnies?  Or, would you prefer that we send you a check?  Please advise!  Oh, our Golden, Bailey, is a rescue, but not from GRRSN.  He has a girl friend, Riley, a 12 year old Chinook.  They get along famously.

Best regards…

Here are the latest pictures and video, thanks Jen for taking the time to do this.  Our other news, Daddy, Jelly and Bean have all been spayed/neutered and are ready for adoption!  Current cost, about $340.00.
If you would like to help out like John and his wife, please contact Jen directly as this rescue is completely separate from GRRSN, thanks!
Jennifer’s email:  fyfelyne@aol.com