Three Senior Golden’s In Need of a New Home

Hi, I am Matthew. My mom, dad and I are looking for a new home. We have been together my whole life. I am 8 years old and my parents are 10 years old. Meet my parents.

That is mom (Lexi) on the left and dad (Brandon) on the right. Now you know where I get my good looks……… The family is guilty of too many McDonalds breakfasts but all that has changed since we entered rescue. We arrived at the vet’s office for an inital exam and then we were whisked away for a much needed grooming. We are now “so beautiful” that our old friends will no longer recognize us. Since our health needs were lacking for so many years, we were returned to the vet’s office for further testing, shots and a microchip. We are currently in foster care, waiting for the test results. Check back with me for further details……