13 Year Old Golden Beaten To Death! Please Sign Petition

Dear All –

This happened in Savage, MN – which is near Burnsville. 

A 13-year-old Golden Retriever pooped in the house, and Rudolph Poppe took the dog out into his driveway and beat her in the head with a sledge hammer 15 times, despite his neighbors begging him to let them take the dog to the vet for a humane death via euthanasia.

The petition (link below) has a goal of 20,000 signatures.  Right now, we’re at approximately 7,225. 

I am asking each of you individually to sign this petition and then to please share it with everyone you’ve ever known who ever loved a dog.  Where it’s appropriate (I understand that there are reasons you may not wish to put this on the webpage for a business, etc), please put a link to this petition on your Facebook page, your personal blogs, etc.  I’m asking rescues to put this on their webpages and FB pages. 

You don’t have to live in Minnesota to sign.  The court system needs to know that this case is being watched across the world. 


Most of you know that I believe God made dogs to show us His unconditional love.  In my estimation, the brutal killing of a loyal, loving companion is a rejection of all that is good and holy and sacred. 

Raise most needed resources for With A Golden Spirit, Inc. (WAGS) or your favorite charity by searching the internet or shopping on line withGoodSearch
Until our hands and paws cross, may GOD bless you, family and loved ones!
Sharon & Mike Davin
With A Golden Spirit, Inc. (WAGS)
A 501 (c) 3 Not for Profit Charitable Organization
No longer shall I call you servants, for a servant knows not what his master does. Now I shall call you friends, for I have revealed to you all that I have heard from my Father.   John 15:15