Take The Pledge To End Puppy Mills

The ASPCA recently launched a new consumer tool as part of their No Pet Store Puppies Campaign, and I encourage you to check it out. This tool contains a searchable database linking pet stores that sell puppies to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-licensed commercial breeding facilities (puppy mills). By entering a pet store name and zip code you can learn which puppy mills produce their “merchandise”. Plug in the breeder name and/or USDA license number and learn which pet stores they do business with. Lastly, enter a particular breed and learn which licensed facilities are producing them.
This new database contains more than ten thousand photos of commercial breeding facilities collected during the course of USDA inspections. These photos are not for the faint of heart. I suspect they will tug at your heart as they did mine. The purpose of these photos is to provide a reality check for those consumers who intrinsically believe that any commercial dog breeder licensed by the USDA must be providing humane treatment for their dogs.
Please share this new tool with anyone you know who is contemplating a puppy purchase from a pet store. I hope you will also share it with friends and family members who buy their pet supplies from stores that sell puppies. While you’re at it, please take the official ASPCA puppy mill pledge to stop buying anything from stores that sell puppies. Together we can make a difference.
Please share this blog post with at least one other person and you will put a big smile on my face! Thank you.
If you would like to respond publicly, please visit http://www.speakingforspot.com/blog/?p=4070.
Nancy Kay, DVM

I pledge that if a pet store sells puppies, I won’t buy anything there.

Not pet food, kitty litter, or squeaky toys — Nothing! And I pledge to tell everyone I know not to shop there either!
Note: Names (first name and last initial, but not email addresses) may be delivered to targeted pet stores.

– See more at: http://nopetstorepuppies.com/take-the-pledge#sthash.S8kn5yaf.dpuf

I pledge that if a pet store sells puppies, I won’t buy anything there.

Not pet food, kitty litter, or squeaky toys — Nothing! And I pledge to tell everyone I know not to shop there either!
Note: Names (first name and last initial, but not email addresses) may be delivered to targeted pet stores.

– See more at: http://nopetstorepuppies.com/take-the-pledge#sthash.S8kn5yaf.dpuf