4th of July Aftermath

Well again this year my home did not burn down from the antics of my lunatic neighbors and their fireworks!  For this I am very grateful.  I woke this morning after a terrible nights sleep to find skeletons of bottle rockets of some sort on my car, our roof, in the pool and the front and back yard.

As always after the 4th I find little ones running loose in the streets.  This morning on my rounds I saw one cat dead in the road and one dog running loose.  I tried my best but could not catch the little dog, who had gotten so over heated that he just laid down in a pool of dirty water on the side of the road.

Typically Lied Animal Foundation takes in 200 animals per day!  Today alone, in just four hours they have had 100 come into the shelter!  Yikes!!!

Two Golden’s were also found wandering the streets and we brought them into our rescue.  They will be on a 72 hold to see if their owners come looking for them.  Apparently one was in just a horrible state.  One of the worst that we have seen.

It doesn’t seem to matter how many public service announcements go out about keeping your pets safe during holiday’s like the 4th and New Years Eve, people just don’t listen.  Maybe they just don’t care, who knows…

If you lost your pet, please check at the county shelters at www.petharbor.com.  Or for up to the minute updates of animals arriving at Lied Animal Shelter follow on Twitter @VegasLostPets, they even post where the animal was picked up.  It is even better to go and look in person as often breeds are mis-categorized.   You can also search Craig’s List and other resources online.