Twiggy’s Blood Test Are In
Well, Miss T had blood drawn this morning to see if the Phosphorus Binder was making a difference in the level of Phosphorus in her blood stream, unfortunately the test came back elevated.
Just a quick re-cap, on the first test dated April the 8th her Phosphorus level was 17.1 (HIGH), normal is 2.5-6.0. The second blood draw on April 17 was encouraging and had dropped to 12.4, (that was after the Phosphorus binder had been started. Dosage was 1 teaspoon 1x per day.
Dr. Bower then had me double the dosage to 1 teaspoons 2x’s per day and I was really hoping that we would see even more of an improvement, but unfortunately, today’s blood work came back at 16.
So now we will increase her dosage to two teaspoons 2x’s a day.